The Ten Most Important Things to Teach Little Children
by Karla Claeys, DayCaring Founder

Genevieve and Karla
To love themselves and to have a good self image.
To read behavior. To learn to “read” others facial expressions.
To understand the difference between thought and action. Children need to be made aware that while it is normal to get angry feelings, you do not get to act out with violence or angry shouting.
To communicate with words. Learning that expressing feelings verbally will lead to better understanding by all around you.
To wonder and ask why. This natural curiosity is the child’s avenue to intellectual development. Parents, always base your answers on your child’s level of understanding.
To never shame your children when they make mistakes. Risking failure is a necessary part of growing.
To have a mind of their own. The power of decision-making makes children feel good about themselves.
To trust grown-ups. Grown-ups should be consistent in being honest with a child, give explanations as often as possible and offer apologies whenever needed.
To know when to ask for help. There are many situations that children cannot handle by themselves and the help of a trusted adult is needed.
That they are LOVED and CHERISHED and WANTED for whom they are.
To read behavior. To learn to “read” others facial expressions.
To understand the difference between thought and action. Children need to be made aware that while it is normal to get angry feelings, you do not get to act out with violence or angry shouting.
To communicate with words. Learning that expressing feelings verbally will lead to better understanding by all around you.
To wonder and ask why. This natural curiosity is the child’s avenue to intellectual development. Parents, always base your answers on your child’s level of understanding.
To never shame your children when they make mistakes. Risking failure is a necessary part of growing.
To have a mind of their own. The power of decision-making makes children feel good about themselves.
To trust grown-ups. Grown-ups should be consistent in being honest with a child, give explanations as often as possible and offer apologies whenever needed.
To know when to ask for help. There are many situations that children cannot handle by themselves and the help of a trusted adult is needed.
That they are LOVED and CHERISHED and WANTED for whom they are.
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A Poem About Gift Giving and Children
When you do your Holiday shopping and your picking out the toys,
Please remember that you choices will be building girls and boys.
Tools and Science Sets and Paints and Books from other lands,
Should now replace the things of War in all your children's hands.
Give them blocks for building Peace, our kids can make it true.
And toys that make a game of War should never come from you.
War's too grim a thing for fun, and much to sad for play,
So give your child constructive toys as promise of a better day.
Please remember that you choices will be building girls and boys.
Tools and Science Sets and Paints and Books from other lands,
Should now replace the things of War in all your children's hands.
Give them blocks for building Peace, our kids can make it true.
And toys that make a game of War should never come from you.
War's too grim a thing for fun, and much to sad for play,
So give your child constructive toys as promise of a better day.